12 Disciplines Series

12 Disciplines SeriesTM

 Core Principles that shape who you are and how you work with others and how you can be a better leader. When you intentionally work on and develop these into your own life and work, you will create dramatic and positive results in your performance, production, collaboration and relationships. Perfect for individuals, teams, and leadership

Identifying & Developing Leaders

Leadership has changed, have you? What are the traits to be an effective leader for future growth?
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Mental Toughness

Is mental toughness grit, determination, perseverance or something else and why does it matter?
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Protect Your Mind

Feed the good wolf or experience devastating results in your life or business.
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Build Your Responsive Toolbelt

Have you ever been in a meeting and your brain has just stopped working—you can’t think of anything to say or how to answer the questions well.
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Abundance Mentality

Can having an abundance mentality really improve your life and business? What does it mean to have an abundance mentality?
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Conversations that Matter

Is there a conversation you wish you could have with your spouse, boss, child or friend? Is it better to just avoid it?
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 A Relational Life

Sales are relationships and every conversation is a sale, or is it?
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This or That/Us or Them/We or I

Do you live or work with people you don't agree with? Does it cause stress or increased productivity?
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Get Fouled!

What does it take to show what you are capable of? Why are you holding back?
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Expectations V Agreements

One of the biggest areas of 'miscommunication' is the expectations of one another. Do you allow people to let you down or do you lower your expectations?
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Boundaries not Boxes

Do you say yes when you want to say no? Do you let yourself off the hook more often than you'd like to admit? Stop it! 
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Focus, Clarity & Perseverance

It's time to see your future clearly. It's time to reach your results faster.
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Our 12 Disciplines Series can be customized for you or your team.
These fun and educational discipline trainings can be virtual or live and will provide tools you can employ immediately.
We are dedicated to helping individuals, teams and nonprofits rise to their greatest potential and make a positive impact in their world, business, relationships, family, and life. 

Let's Talk!

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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